Who Controlled the House of Representatives in 2008

Congress Profiles

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111th Congress (2009–2011)

Congressional Profile

Total Membership:

  • 435 Representatives
  • 5 Delegates
  • 1 Resident Commissioner

Party Divisions:*

  • 257 Democrats
  • 178 Republicans
  • 0 Contained

* Political party partitioning totals are based on election day results.

  • Ballot Statistics, 2008 [PDF]
  • Vacancies and Successors

House Chamber /tiles/non-collection/C/Chamber_PA2015_06_0082.xml Collection of the U.Southward. Firm of Representatives The House Chamber was remodeled in 1950 and updated with electronic voting in 1972.

Congress Overview

Democrats controlled the 111th Congress (2009–2011) with majorities in both houses of Congress alongside the country's first African-American president, Democrat Barack Obama. Congress addressed the financial meltdown and subsequent global recession by immigration a stimulus package followed by comprehensive fiscal regulation. After months of negotiations, Democratic leadership passed a healthcare reform bill in a close vote that separate down party lines. In its last weeks, after Republicans won the Business firm during the 2010 ballot, the 111th Congress renewed expiring revenue enhancement cuts and repealed policies that prevented gays and lesbians from openly serving in the armed forces. A number of problems remained unaddressed, however, including deficit reduction, free energy and the environment, entrada-finance reform, and regular appropriations.

Leadership & Officers

Speaker of the Firm:
Nancy Pelosi (D–California)
Bulk Leader:
Steny Hoyer (D–Maryland)
Minority Leader:
John Boehner (R–Ohio)
Autonomous Whip:
James Clyburn (D–South Carolina)
Republican Whip:
Eric Cantor (R–Virginia)
Democratic Caucus Chairman:
John Larson (D–Connecticut)
Republican Briefing Chairman:
Mike Pence (R–Indiana)
Clerk of the House:
Lorraine C. Miller
Chief Administrative Officeholder:
Daniel P. Beard
Daniel J. Strodel 1
Sergeant at Artillery:
Wilson (Pecker) Livingood
Chaplain of the House:
Daniel P. Coughlin – Roman Catholic
John 5. Sullivan

To view complete lists of individuals who have served in these leadership and official positions since the 1st Congress, visit the People section

Discharge Petitions

Number Date Petition to Belch
No. 0001 March 23, 2009 the Committee on Firm Administration, and the Committee on Oversight and Authorities Reform from consideration of the beak (H.R. 581)
No. 0002 March 31, 2009 the Committee on Ways and Means from consideration of the bill (H.R. 735)
No. 0003 May 7, 2009 the Committee on Rules from the consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 359)
No. 0004 July 15, 2009 the Commission on Rules from the consideration of the resolution (H.Res.460)
No. 0005 July 23, 2009 the Committee on Energy and Commerce from the consideration of the pecker (H.Res.391)
No. 0006 September 23, 2009 the Commission on Rules from the consideration of the resolution (H.Res.554)
No. 0007 November 18, 2009 the Committee on Armed Services from the consideration of the bill (H.R.2294)
No. 0008 Dec 2, 2009 the Committee on Natural Resources from the consideration of the bill (H.R.3105)
No. 0009 January thirteen, 2010 the Committee on Rules from the consideration of the resolution (H.Res.847)
No. 0010 March 15, 2010 the Committee on Armed Services from the consideration of the bill (H.R.775)
No. 0011 June sixteen, 2010 the Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Ways, Education and Labor, the Judiciary, Natural Resources, Rules, Business firm Administration, and Appropriations from the consideration of the neb (H.R.4972)
No. 0012 Baronial 10, 2010 the Committees on Energy and Commerce, Appropriations, Ways and Means, Education and Labor, the Judiciary, Natural Resource, House Administration, and Rules from the consideration of the neb (H.R.5424)
No. 0013 September, 15, 2010 the Commission on Means and Means from the consideration of the bill (H.R.5141)
    For information on the current Congress, please visit the Function of the Clerk's website.


Source: https://history.house.gov/Congressional-Overview/Profiles/111th/

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